Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Pc Gaming: Not Just For Couch Potatoes

Now the fights are usually conformed to pc gaming or gaming with game consoles for that matter. It seems girls are not as much interested in pc gaming as boys and men are. Or is it a discriminatory observation? Any way, most households can see boys spending time pc gaming, while girls spending their time in the kitchen, at the garden, before the TV, and filling their scrapbooks.

Video games, brick games, puzzle games, there isn't a game category that is not available for PC gaming. The choices of PC gaming is endless and you can't possibly try all the PC games available today. By the time you try a small percentage of games, the pc gaming industry would have expanded beyond your reach. Anyway, it is fun to spend hours and days before the pc, tying a new game and remaining unsuccessful cracking the final frontier after one month of toiling.

PC gaming is not always a one man affair. Sometimes it can be interactive too. With broadband internet becoming norm of the day, you can play high graphics games with your friend, who can be at Sydney or in Paris, just like would play face to face. You can get the thrills of challenging your friend, without having to feel embarrassed if defeated. Online interactive games go far beyond the online chess games available at hundreds of different websites.

You can find dozens (sometimes hundreds) of titles at your local mall, local computer centre and online. Free to download games, paid to download, and games available in DVDs and CDs, the world of pc gaming is quite fascinating one, you don't ever have to play the same game more than you like to. If you are fed up with one game, just throw it away and there are dozens of others on the queue, vying for your attention.

Good graphics card, sound card, joy stick, etc are needed for pc gaming. The speed and memory of the computer also are important components of good gaming experience. Computers that support super speed games are in demand.

Reading this you might think pc gaming is a post 2000 phenomena. It is not. PC gaming has been around since 1960s. Spacewar! of 1961 is the first PC game. Several games have come and gone since then. The unfettered interest to pc gaming knows no bounds. It can't be explained. Only people who spend time before their pc, gaming could understand what it means to be pc gaming.

By: Sam Jose

jenguu game

Jenguu is match-3 but its mechanics are much different from what we are used to playing for this genre. In each level, you are presented with pillars and blocks constantly falling from nowhere and filling them up. Your task is to stack same-colored blocks in order from largest to smallest until such time that the base of a pillar lights up. Clicking the base afterwards will blast away the stacked blocks, thus collecting the material representing the type of block that had been blown off.

Making double stacks before blowing them off are worth more points and coins, but the best points can be made by making a Jenguu. A Jenguu is basically groups of three stacks that you make on a single pillar before blowing them to smithereens. Earn enough coins and you can then buy upgrades for power-ups which is available in the shopping part of the game after each level.

Each pillar can only hold up to ten blocks though, and when it fills up, vines will grow on the pillar which will render it useless for the rest of the level. You must avoid this at all cost since in every level, you have to complete specific tasks assigned for you to complete within a time limit. You must imagine that making a Jenguu is definitely a pain. Just when you had already stacked nine blocks, a random falling block can foil all your plans and even cripple your chances for the rest of the level.

By: Ruff B.

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